Build Order: Wehrmacht Luftwaffe T3 --- v1.4 2v2 Edition - Company of Heroes 3 (2024)


I'm writing this guide to help players learn effective Company of Heroes 3 strategies in a 2v2 multiplayer setting, where most of my experience is derived from. Derivations of this build order may work in other game modes as well. This guide is also available on Steam. This guide is designed to help someone execute a reasonable T3 Luftwaffe build order for Wehrmacht in a 2v2 or higher multiplayer setting.

I'm a pretty big fan of real time strategy games, and enjoy helping people learn and succeed. I believe through sharing knowledge we can foster a healthier competitive multiplayer environment.

When compared to 1v1, 2v2s are unique in that resource income is somewhat quicker, while both individual skill and team play is required to be successful. Also situations where command point timings would be relevant in 1v1, are less potent in a team game situation.

This guide was written for game version 1.4 in December 2023 using experience documented on my Youtubeand Twitch channels.

Build Summary

The core ideas here are to stall in early game, rush Panzer Grenadiers in order to apply fierce infantry pressure during midgame, and ideally prevent the allies from snowballing. If you do get into a protracted end game fight, the Luftwaffe battlegroup doctrine provides you: increased manpower, got off maps air strikes, and vision abilities to support a pile of Panzer 4s & high damage infantry.

Core Units

  • 1 Pioneer
  • 1 Fallschirmpioneer
  • 2 MG 42
  • Mortar (optional)
  • 2 Pak 40
  • 3 PanzerGrenadiers
  • Healing Bunker

Late Game

  • AT/AI - Panzer 4(s)
  • AI - Stoßtruppen Squad (replacement for Panzer Grenadiers)
  • Indirect - Nebelwerfers

Munition Priority

  • Flamethrower
  • Medical Bunker
  • Defensive Mines
  • Bundle Grenades
  • Luftwaffe Frag Bombs or Loiters

Build Order: Wehrmacht Luftwaffe T3 --- v1.4 2v2 Edition - Company of Heroes 3 (1)

The choices here reflect giving you tools to win during late game. Vision for your team's indirect, reduced manpower costs to keep your infantry heavy build going, and off map abilities to punish blobbing or team weapon heavy builds.

Early Game

Build Order

  • Infantry Companie
  • Luftwaffe Battlegroup Selection
  • Fallschirm Pioneer
  • MG42
  • Ketten (optional)
  • Flamer Pio Upgrade (when munis avail)
  • MG 42
  • Mortar (optional)


Immediately drop your Fallschrim Pioneer on the nearby fuel and lock it down with sandbags. Move your pios & first MG towards it, back capping as you go. Use your two pios to scout or bait targets into the MG, suppress squads and then advance to engage.

Example Early Gameplay

Early Game Theory

For Wehrmacht, the whole point of Early gameis to not-lose, by taking and holding a critical part of the map, and building out your core units. In this case, that means holding the Large Fuel (+10), at least one Victory Point and relevant green cover. Then building Panzer grenadiers by the 5 minute mark. Keep your units relatively close to one another so they can support and overwhelm in every engagement.

Remember: Your at-minimum job is sit near the fuel & VP (not on top of) and reasonably hold them until you can build into the next phase.

Failing to obtain ~ 30-40% map control during this phase will result in serious resource deficienciesyou may never be to recover from. in 2v2 it is unlikely you'll be able to disconnect the other teams territories to compensate for superior opposing team resource flow.

Early Game Threats

Allies, in my opinion, have a huge mobility & damage advantage during the early game phase. They will do their best to flank your positions, overwhelm individual squads and capture your flanks.Mitigatethis by keeping your units close enough to support one another and in cover, and understand that all you just need to hold the points nearest to the large fuel to not-lose. Do not spread out too much, as an allied player will be able to find your two units over yonder, and commit all of their units to clear them out, thus dislodging you from the map.

A less mobile allied player may op to build a mortar, these units will force you to reposition MGs. This in itself isn't a huge issue, as the allied player will have less combat units to push with, when they inevitably push and get suppressed, you'll have a huge combat unit count to exploit & push with.Mitigation: move your MGs around small amounts to avoid damage, pull lines back slightly to bait forward infantry into MGs. Every minute you delay them, brings you closer to your T2 build.

When to take Initiative

In any situation where you have suppressed 1-2 squads, you have an immediate (and extremely large) advantage. Push your grens + pio forward to take advantage, focus firing down squads as best possible, and overrun/dislodge any mortars. A smart allied player will immediately retreat, so they can get back on the field quicker.

If your opponent builds MGs, just smile, casually build a mortar. Because what are we doing? holding our ground. MGs on their own cannot push.

Mid Game

Build Order

  • Panzergrenadier Kompanie (T3)
  • Panzer Grenadier (4:30-6 minutes)
  • Pak 40 / Recoiless Rifle
  • Panzer Grenadier
  • Medical Bunker
  • Pak 40 (optional)
  • Panzer Grenadier
  • Support Upgrade
  • Nebel Werfer
  • Stug (optional)

Mid-Game Munitions Priority

  • Medical Base
  • Mines
  • Panzer Grenadier Grenades

Panzer Grenadier Usage

As noted, this build rushes straight for panzer grenadiers, skipping Grenadiers. Demonstrated in the damage (y axis) vs range (x axis) graph below, Panzer grenadiers excel in close or mid range situations. The significant close range damage boost, provides your build with the ability to wipe squads or team weapons that would otherwise escape against grenadiers. Additionally, bundle grenades will nearly always wipes team weapons, or stationary infantry squads. Getting a squad or team weapon wipe is one of the most devastating things you can do to your opponent.

Build Order: Wehrmacht Luftwaffe T3 --- v1.4 2v2 Edition - Company of Heroes 3 (2)

Pak 40 / Recoiless Rifle

The biggest weakness of this build is the lack early Anti-Tank damage. As you exit early game, you will likely have two MGs, 2 pio squads and perhaps a Panzer Grenadier out, at this point you very vulnerable to a light vehicle.

Building a Pak 40, or dropping the recoiless rifle right side of the battlegroup), used in conjunction with mines, will help you check or destroy any light vehicles.

You must be hyper aware of allied player light vehicles threats, if you are behind on fuel, you may need to get your first AT crew weapon or get two before finishing out your 3 panzer grenadier squads. If at any point you are able to destroy the allied light vehicle, you will have an immense advantage with your 3 Panzer Grenadier squads.

Medical Bunker

As of patch 1.4.2, the medical bunker is preferred to the base heal. This is because the bunker will produce free models (medics will run across the map), and building a bunker does not consume fuel, there by delaying your first fuel unit. Try to build your bunker after you have sufficient panzer grenadiers.


Build stugs if you sense your opponent will be massing Medium armor, especially if you've got extra resources. You should have no quarrels throwing away stugs at a 1:1 (or less) kill ratio with allied armor, as this will prevent them from creating a medium armor snowball.

Mid Game Example

Battlegroup Selection Commentary

In my opinion, you should rush for the infantry reserves passive on the right side. This will free up manpower for use towards teching into T4 (Panzer Kompanie), or getting some nebel werfers.

Dropping a recoilless rifles can help against light vehicle heavy opponents, rather then relying on slow and more expensive paks.

Conversely, if your opponent is team weapon heavy, getting fragmentation bombs first could deliver a game ending strike they aren't expecting.

If your opponent is airborne heavy, consider getting the Luftwaffe Combat group for the whirblewind and jaeger (shreck) squad. In this situation the jaeger shreck squad can take the place of what would've been a second pak 40.

Late Game

Build Order

  • Tech 4 Building
  • AT/AI - Panzer 4(s)
  • AI - Stoßtruppen Squad (replace dead PGs)
  • Bunkers
  • Veterancy Upgrades

If the game makes it to this point, you should focus entirely on holding VPs, and building late game units that counteract the mid game composition of your opponents. Excess manpower should be spent on bunkers for forward reinforce, or camping VPs / flanks. A second pioneer is useful for spending munitions on mines, construction bunkers & repair duty.

Stoßtruppen Squad

Arguably the one of the best infantry units in the game, if you lose a Panzer grenadier try to replace it with one of these guys. They will win most long range infantry fights, and can annihilate team weapons (such as AT guns).

Panzer 4s

Panzer 4s are generalist tanks which can fight infantry just as well as other tanks. Acquire a Panzer 4 as soon as you have the fuel, and use it to push off infantry capturing the flanks, knock out pesky MGs, and just add damage to any push you've got going. As a mobile tank, you must move it around and apply damage on the map where you need it most -- while retreating it from AT threats as soon as they appear.

One method of ending the game is to work on acquiring a critical mass of Panzer 4s. Usually 3 or more panzer 4s in a single push, follow up with your close range infantry will often create a decisive battle.

Late Game Example Gameplay

Supporting Troyd

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Updated 7 months ago.

Build Order: Wehrmacht Luftwaffe T3 --- v1.4 2v2 Edition - Company of Heroes 3 (2024)


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