The Chives Hotness (2025)

1. hotness : - theCHIVE

  • Posts Tagged: hotness · Chivettes Are Just Too Pretty in Pink! (39 Photos) · A Brilliant Bunch of Blondes (35 Photos) · Necklace? · We'd save the souls of these red ...

hotness : - theCHIVE

2. All theCHIVE's Hotness in 60 seconds (Video)

  • Posted: Apr 2, 2018

  • See the full video on

All theCHIVE's Hotness in 60 seconds (Video)

3. Hotness, humor and heart: How theCHIVE built a $6 million charity

  • Nov 6, 2015 · The first time you visit, it's pretty easy to get distracted. The Austin-based website puts a heavy emphasis on the first two parts ...

  • Melissa Smith survived Hodgkins Lymphoma twice, only to be diagnosed with a rare disorder called Transverse Myelitis that put her in a wheelchair. Chive Charities raised $450,000 to renovate Melissa's home to make it accessible, then surprised her at her favorite restaurant with beer, a cake and a check. Photo courtesy of Chive Charities.

4. Boob job: how The Chive built an empire out of bro-bait - The Verge

  • Apr 28, 2020 · Boobs are back. They probably never left. At The Chive, a website dedicated to “humor, hotness, and humanity,” they are everywhere: bouncing ...

  • The multimillion-dollar lad mag has survived by cultivating a legion of fans who don’t want to feel bad about their taste.

Boob job: how The Chive built an empire out of bro-bait - The Verge

5. 2024 The chive hotness

6. We're mesmerized by her… ability to multitask (Video) - theCHIVE

  • Apr 17, 2022 · We're mesmerized by her ability to multitask (Video) by: Stephen In: Boobs, Hotness, Squishy, Video Apr 17, 2022

  • See the full video on

We're mesmerized by her… ability to multitask (Video) - theCHIVE

7. The guy list: the chive and its readers | Planned Man

  • Humor. Hotness. Humanity. Yeah, we know: “Humanity” sounds like bullshit when mixed with soft-porn (“Hotness”) and frat- ...

  • Why the folks at The CHIVE and their readers are, as a band of brothers (and sisters), one of us: We think of  The CHIVE as the exact opposite of The Lord of the Flies, which we summarized in the PM article “Boys will be boys, thank goodness” like this: “Few books have had a more colossal […]

The guy list: the chive and its readers | Planned Man

8. Literally just a hot chick posing in front of a camera… ENJOY! (Video) :

Literally just a hot chick posing in front of a camera… ENJOY! (Video) :

9. The Chivery - Official Chive Store with Funny Tees and Cool Gift Ideas

  • The Chivery is the official store of theCHIVE, and is the only place to buy high quality, authentic Chive products and other great shirts, ...

  • The Chivery is the official store of theCHIVE, and is the only place to buy high quality, authentic Chive products and other great shirts, gifts and drinkware.

The Chivery - Official Chive Store with Funny Tees and Cool Gift Ideas

10. Jessica & Leann: Plenty More to See Here (Video) - theCHIVE

  • Duration: 1:42Posted: Jan 28, 2016

  • See the full video on

Jessica & Leann: Plenty More to See Here (Video) - theCHIVE

11. Sickies Menu – Supercharged Burgers, Wings, Salads, & More!

  • WING SAUCES. Arranged from Mild to Hot. BBQ Traditional BBQ. JAMESON SAUCE Smooth Jameson taste without the burn. PARMESAN & GARLIC Parmesan and garlic, ...

  • Click to jump to a category

12. Hot and stretchy is a dangerous combination (Video) - theCHIVE

  • Duration: 1:29Posted: Jun 26, 2018

  • See the full video on

Hot and stretchy is a dangerous combination (Video) - theCHIVE

13. American Menu | Sports Bar Menu - Big Whiskey's

  • BW's signature seasoned fries smothered with melted cheddar cheese, crisp bacon and chives. ... Mild Buffalo; BW Original Buffalo; Honey Sriracha; Hot Buffalo ...

  • Big Whiskey's menu features the classic American menu & sports bar menu traditions you crave!

American Menu | Sports Bar Menu - Big Whiskey's

14. Video : - theCHIVE

  • A Lovely Look Behind the Scenes at a CHIVE Photo Shoot (Video). by: Joe. Mar 26, 2024 03/26/24. 844 Liked! 46 Disliked 12 · hotness ... Copyright © 2024 Chive ...

Video : - theCHIVE

15. Hotness - theCHIVE

  • Hotness - theCHIVE. Signup now for your favorite, or all three. Send us all your very best yoga pants photos here to get featured in next weeks gallery. hot ...

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Illa argumenta propria videamus, cur omnia sint paria peccata. At hoc in eo M. Octavio fuit, cum illam severitatem in eo filio adhibuit, quem in adoptionem D. Ait enim se, si uratur, Quam hoc suave! dicturum. Nam si beatus umquam fuisset, beatam vitam usque ad illum a Cyro extructum rogum pertulisset. Quid enim possumus hoc agere divinius? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Audax negotium, dicerem impudens, nisi hoc institutum postea translatum ad philosophos nostros esset.

The Chives Hotness (2025)


What happened to hotness on theCHIVE app? ›

All of the content that you crave, such as the DAR/DMA/Hotness Galleries, are STILL on the app. They've just been hidden thanks to new ANDROID restrictions.

What is the slogan for chive on? ›

Chive's marketing campaign was the originator of the slogan “Keep Calm and Chive On” which was later reused in 20th century war efforts. "Keep Calm and Chive On" is a slogan associated with the website and online community called The Chive.

How to get verified on theCHIVE? ›

To any Chivettes wanting to know the BEST way to get verified: Snap a picture of yourself with your username, date, and “verify me” on a piece of paper and post it to iCHIVE. Check out the previous Recently Verified Chivettes gallery HERE!

What is theCHIVE app? ›

theCHIVE App is the most-downloaded humor app in iOS history. The content variety is a unique mix of Humor, Hotness, and Humanity. No long-winded articles, just your daily dose of the most amusing photos and videos the internet has to offer. - Content curated to be a happy escape.

What is the alternative to theCHIVE hotness? ›

The closest competitor to are, and

Is theCHIVE still in business? ›

More than a decade later, theCHIVE has evolved into a one-of-its-kind lifestyle brand with a variety of business lines including digital media, e-commerce, community building and charity. Chive Media Group has 40+ full-time employees headquartered in Austin, TX.

What do chives symbolize in China? ›

Chinese Chives, known as jiu cai in Mandarin, are steeped in symbolism within Chinese culture. They are often associated with prosperity and renewal, particularly during the Chinese New Year. The plant's robust growth is seen as a metaphor for a flourishing life, making it a favored gift during festive times.

Why are chives so good? ›

Chives are valuable for our health, and not only because they deliver such a high dose of Vitamin C. Their essential oils sooth a long list of ailments. They act as expectorant, anti-bacterium and anti-inflammatory. Chives also animate the appetite and promote digestion.

What is Nike's slogan from? ›

The Origin of Nike's “Just Do It” Slogan

Dan Wieden, the co-founder of Wieden+Kennedy, was responsible for coming up with Nike's new tagline. He found inspiration in an unexpected place – the last words of Gary Gilmore, a convicted murderer who was executed in Utah in 1977.

How does theCHIVE make money? ›

But today, the 155-person company also earns money from affiliate revenue, a subscription box service and selling everything from whiskey stones to wallets that it buys in bulk from wholesalers before selling them itself. For example, The Chive began hawking a breathalyzer key chain recently.

How many users does theCHIVE have? ›

About us. Chive Media Group is a multi-platform digital media and eCommerce company. The company's flagship brand, theCHIVE, is home to the world's funniest photo galleries and viral videos, reaching more than 20 million people each month and amassing over 5 billion content views annually.

Where did theCHIVE get its name? ›

Initially, it was claimed that the website's name came from combining 'Chicago' and 'Venice' Beach; however, Resig later admitted that the name was actually inspired by The Onion. The brothers went on to create additional photo-entertainment websites, all of which are staffed and managed by members of the Resig family.

Is theCHIVE app safe? ›

This app is inappropriate for children to have on their device for several reason. Most importantly, it allows them to create a public profile and connects them with adults. This paired with the other content listed above creates a larger risk to minors.

How much does chive cost? ›

theCHIVE membership is just $4.99 per month.

What country is chive from? ›

Historical Significance. Garlic chives originated in southwestern China where they have been used for over 4000 years. They grow wild throughout northern China and Mongolia, and they spread into Europe where they became naturalized and widespread throughout the mainland.

What happened to Dar on Chive? ›

This is just a friendly reminder that if you aren't able to see the DAR, DMA, and other HOTNESS galleries, it is likely because you're not logged into theCHIVE.

Do you have to pay for Chive TV? ›

CHIVE TV will improve your business

Atmosphere and all 40+ channels, including CHIVE TV, are a free subscription!


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.