The Witcher 3 console commands: How to become the fantasy horse whisperer (2025)

The Witcher 3 is a truly massive RPG full of magical beasts, fantasy drama, and at least one excellent tub. Take on every quest with Geralt, and you're easily going to be busy for a couple hundred hours. And yet there are still some things that The Witcher 3, in its native form, is missing—like infinitely spawning horses and the ability to become drunk instantaneously, for example. That's where The Witcher 3 console commands come in.

By using console commands and cheats in The Witcher 3, you can turn Geralt into a god, empty his wallet, and much more. Here's how to enter these game-changing codes, along with all the console commands that you can use in The Witcher 3.

How to use The Witcher 3 console commands

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The first step towards unstoppable power is enabling The Witcher 3's debug console to allow access to cheats.

  • To do this with a Steam copy of the game, open Steam and right-click on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in your game library. Select the 'Properties' option from the menu. Click on the 'Local Files' tab, then click 'Browse Local Files.'
  • Navigate through the 'bin' folder, into the 'config' folder, then finally the 'base' folder.
  • Right-click on the 'general.ini' file and open it with Notepad. Add a new line at the bottom of the document and paste in "DBGConsoleOn=true."
  • Save and close the file, then launch The Witcher 3. You should now be able to open and close the debug console by hitting the tilde key (~). All you need to do now is open the console up, type in your commands, andn hit enter!

This process is the same if you own The Witcher 3 through GOG; just navigate to your install folder in Windows Explorer and find general.ini inside the 'base' folder.

Witcher 3 cheats: The most useful

The most useful Witcher 3 console commands and cheats

There are dozens of Witcher 3 console commands, but some of them are less immediately useful than others (although giving Geralt a mohawk at any time is pretty important). Here are the most useful console commands we expect you'll want to try first.

god - Toggles "god" mode on/off which allows invincibility

setlevel(level) - Sets character level to specific number

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addmoney(amount) - Gives the character a specific amount of money (Crowns).

likeaboss - Toggles "likeaboss" mode on/off which allows you to do 40% of your foes maximum health with each hit.

testpause - Pauses the current game

testunpause - Unpauses the current game.

witchcraft - Adds one of each item in the game to the character's inventory. This command can take a while to load, or possibly cause your game to crash.

addkeys - Gives the character every key in the game, convenient!

Ciri - sets the character to Ciri

Geralt - sets the character to Geralt

Witcher 3 cheats: Cosmetics

The Witcher 3 cosmetic commands

WitcherHairstyler('1'/'2'/'3'/) - Gives Geralt a fresh new haircut.

addHair1 - Gives Geralt his default hair.

addHair2 - Gives Geralt a ponytail.

addHair3 - Gives Geralt some long and loose hair.

addHairDLC1 - Gives Geralt some bonus short and loose hair.

addHairDLC2 - Gives Geralt a sweet mohawk.

addHairDLC3 - Gives Geralt the slicked back Elven Rebel cut.

shave - Shaves Geralt's beard. He will look like a baby.

setbeard(beard code) - Sets beard to a specific length. Here's a handy list of beard codes.

settattoo(0/1) - Gives (1) or removes (0) Geralt's neck tattoo

setcustomhead('head code') - Sets Geralt's head to a specific model. Here's a handy list of head codes.

Witcher 3 cheats: Fast travel

The Witcher 3 travelling commands

gotoWyzima - Teleports you to Vizima.

gotoNovigrad - Teleports you to Novigrad.

gotoSkellige - Teleports you to Skellige.

xy(x, y) - Teleports you from the sky to a set of coordinates.

gotoPrologWinter - Teleports you to White Orchard in Winter.

gotoKaerMohren - Teleports you to Kaer Morhen.

gotoProlog - Teleports you to White Orchard

AllowFT(0/1) - Allows (1) or bans (0) the character's ability to fast travel from anywhere.

ShowAllFT(0/1) - Shows (1) or hides (0) every fast travel location available in-game.

ShowPins(0/1) - Shows (1) or hides (0) every point of interest on the game's map.

Show KnownPins(0/1) - Shows (1) or hides (0) every point of interest that the player has found on the map.

The Witcher 3 cheats: Gwent

The Witcher 3 Gwent commands

secretgwint - Starts a match of Gwent against an AI.

addgwintcards - Gives the character one of every single Gwent card in the game. *Except for the Vampire: Katakan card, which you can spawn in via plugging in the additem('gwint_card_katakan') code

winGwint(0/1) - Wins (1) or loses (0) your match of Gwent. Victory has never been easier.

Witcher 3 cheats: The rest of the commands

More Witcher 3 commands and cheats

removemoney(amount) - Removes a specific amount of money (Crowns) from the character.

additem('item code', amount) - Adds a specific item to the character's inventory. Here's a handy list of all the item codes.

removeitem('item code') - Removes a specific item from the character's inventory.

spawn('npc code,' amount, distance, hostility) - Spawns the specified NPC(s)s. Here's a handy list of all the NPC spawn codes.

killall(distance) - Kills all foes in a specific radius

healme - Heals the character to maximum health

levelup - Raises character's level by one

addexp(amount) - Gives character specific amount of experience points.

learnskill('skillcode') - Learns the specific skill. Here's a handy list of all the skill/talent codes.

addskillpoints(amount) - Grants the character with a specific amount of skill points

settime(days, hours, minutes, seconds) - Sets the time of day down to the exact second.

Cat(0/1) - Equips (1) or removes (0) the Cat potion which alters vision.

Drunk(0/1) - Makes the character drunk (1) or sober (0).

dismember - Dismembers targeted enemy. It's not a pretty sight.

makeitrain - Toggles rain on. Make sure you brought an umbrella!

stoprain - Toggles rain off. Party's over.

addabl('buff code') - Adds a specific buff to the character. Here's a handy list of all the buff codes.

rmvabl('buff code') - Removes a specific buff from the character. Here's a handy list of all the buff codes.

cleardevelop - Resets the character's levels and items and gives them starter gear.

buffme('effect id', seconds) - Adds a specific effect to the character. Here's a handy list of all the effect codes.

fadeout - Fades out the display to a black.

fadein - Cuts back into gameplay from black screen.

dlgshow - Adds or removes the game's UI. Can crash your game.

activateAllGlossaryBeastiary - Fills the Glossary with every Beastiary entry.

activateAllGlossaryCharacters - Fills the Glossary with every Character entry.

Thanks to The Witcher 3 Wiki for compiling all these codes.

The Witcher 3 console commands: How to become the fantasy horse whisperer (2025)


How to unlock console commands in Witcher 3? ›

Now navigate to the \bin\config\base folder and right-click on the general. ini file, then open it with Notepad. Save with Ctrl + S, then exit out of everything and launch The Witcher 3. Now you can simply press the tilde key (~) to pull up the debug console like you would in many other PC games.

How do you win console commands in Gwent? ›

winGwint Command

Specify true here to win your current Gwent game, specify false here to lose your current Gwent game.

What is the command to reveal all question marks in Witcher 3? ›

Showknownpins Syntax

1 to show all question marks on the map, 0 to revert to normal.

Do console commands disable achievements in Witcher 3? ›

Yes, using the debug console in Witcher 3 disables Steam achievements for that playthrough. This is because using the console can potentially give the player an unfair advantage or alter the game in unintended ways, which could affect the player's ability to earn achievements.

What is the console command for Geralt hair? ›

addHair1 - Gives Geralt his default hair. addHair2 - Gives Geralt a ponytail. addHair3 - Gives Geralt some long and loose hair. addHairDLC1 - Gives Geralt some bonus short and loose hair.

What is the cheat for all Gwent cards? ›

addgwintcards – adds all Gwent cards to your inventory.

Is it possible to win Gwent? ›

Keep challenging merchants/inkeeps/blacksmiths and winning cards from them and eventually your deck will improve enough to start dominating the gwent quests and getting the REALLY good cards. Use tactics though, don't just spam your high strength cards. You ALWAYS want to try and use spy cards in the first round.

What does passing do in Gwent? ›

The aim of each round is to obtain more points than your opponent. Players take turns playing cards until one of them passes, indicating that they do not wish to spend any more cards for the rest of the round. The remaining player may continue to play as many cards as they like.

How to unlock all question marks in Witcher 3? ›

You can unlock all the places of interest (question marks) by checking the notice boards. But as the other posters have pointed out, you need to get fairly close to many (but not all) quests to unlock them. Good luck.

How do you remove Geralt's mask? ›

It'll be equipped in one of your pocket/item slots, where the ghost lamp and torches go. Open your inventory, and in the small double slots at the bottom (From left to right: food/potions, bombs, items). Unequip it from that slot and it won't be on your face anymore.

Are there any secrets in Witcher 3? ›

The Witcher 3 contains troves of Secret Treasure throughout the lands of Temeria, Velen, Novigrad and beyond. Unlike Hidden Treasure, these areas aren't always marked on the map, and are instead found in secluded areas, behind barred doors, or hard to reach areas.

Can you still get achievements after using console commands? ›

PC achievement security measures

First and foremost, using the console on the PC version for any reason will disable achievements for that play session. This includes non-controversial commands such as save.

Does cheats turn off achievements? ›

If you start a new game, say from a chapter or something, you can get achievements again. Cheating will disable cheats for the subsequent autosaves and saves of that 'session'. If you start a new game, say from a chapter or something, you can get achievements again.

What is the console command for crowns in The Witcher 3? ›

The Witcher 3 console commands list
addmoney(amount)Adds specified number of Crowns (money).
removemoney(amount)Removes specified number of Crowns (money).
additem('item code', amount)Adds the specified item to your inventory. Can optionally specify an amount. Consult this item codes list for details.
66 more rows
Mar 23, 2023

How do I access console commands? ›

Typically it can be toggled on or off and appears over the normal game view. The console is normally accessed by pressing the backtick key ` (frequently also called the ~ key; normally located below the ESC key) on QWERTY keyboards or the ² on AZERTY keyboards, and is usually hidden by default.

How do I enable console mods in Witcher 3? ›

ini file with Notepad - usually it will open with notepad by default by double clicking it. If it doesn't open with notepad, right click the file, press "Open With", and then select Notepad. Press CTRL + S to save the file. After saving the file you can close Notepad and launch Witcher 3, the console should be enabled.

How do you play Ciri console commands in Witcher 3? ›

List of The Witcher 3 PC Console Command Codes
godEnable invincibility
healmeRefill Geralt's HP bar
CiriSwitch player character to Ciri
GeraltRevert player character to Geralt

How to enable god mode in Witcher 3? ›

To enable god mode in Witcher 3, enter the following command into the console:
  1. god Copy.
  2. addabl('ConImmortal') Copy.
  3. rmvabl('ConImmortal') Copy.


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