Company of Heroes 3 Wehrmacht luftwaffe/jeager guide and build order (2024)

Build Order And Guide

So here is my build order and guide for the Wehrmacht luftwaffe battlegroup.

It will be a simple guide without a lot of nice pictures but it will get the point across.

Also sorry for the grammar haha.

I wil first show the build order and below i will explain how to use it as best as possible.

-The build order

- Falschirmpioneers

- infantry kompanie

- mg42

- Falschirmpioneer

- mg42

- luftwaffe kompanie

- Jeager

- 221 scout car

- Jeager

- luftwaffe combatgroup

- Falschirmjeager

- Panzer kompanie

- panzer 4

- Panzer 4

- From now on it wil depend on whats needed and if you are ahead or behind.

-The Guide

Fase 1.

- Select luftwaffe battlegroup.

- Select the falmschirmpioneers. then you want to drop them on the map. On maps where the vp on my side has an advantage like highground i drop them right on the vp. then i cap the vp and move the pioneers to cap another point close by or defend the vp. On maps where im not sure i can hold the vp with the pioneers i drop them on a resource point and cap the vp later with more units.

- Then you want to cap the rest of the points with your basic pioneers.

- Build the infantry kompanie.

- Build an MG42. On open maps you want to keep your mg mobile and moving with your pioneers. On maps where you can block off the vp or your resource points without getting them in harms way set them up.

- Drop another falmschirmpioneer. If they have mgs try to push while dropping the pioneer behind them. If you have enough ammo your satchel will take out the mg. This happens a lot and when you steal the mg you have a good early spike in strenght.

- Build another mg42. Make sure to protect your fuel and vp.

Fase 2 ( get the aid station around this point depending on the damage your units take)

- Build the luftwaffe kompanie.

- Get jeagers out asap and upgrade them with panzershreks. then keep them around your mgs so you wont get pushed of the point by early armor or vehicles.

- Build an 221 scout car. use it to push the enemy, harras retreating units and scout ahead. Be carefull tho it will die fast to anti armor.

- Build another jeager and upgrade with panzershreks.

- When you come to this point hopefuly you will have 4 command points. you dont want to spend any points after the falschirmpioneers. the next thing you select is the luftwaffe combat group. it will give you an werbelwind and another jeager squad. This wil spike your army real good in mid game. Use the werbel in defence or for a verry safe push. The jeagers can be upgraded depending on the enemy. If they have alot of armor go for another shrek. If not maybe get the scout package.

- Then you want to start using your points to get the strafing run and then the falschermjeager. then save up for the loiter. The last choice you can makne between the pak at gun or the cheaper manpower. If the enemy has a lot of arty or you dont have a safe space the place the pak always go for the cheaper manpower.

Fase 3

- Build the panzer kompanie an get panzer 4 asap.

- If you have some resources left dont forget to upgrade the jeagers first by selecting the star icon in their base building. Also do this for the panzers and get the sideskirts.

Fase 4

- From this point on it really depends on the enemy. Try to keep your units alive. Also dont spend ammo on the strafe. Try to safe up for the loiter beacause it is verry powerfull and will push the enemy back hard. when you hve ammo left use the strafe if needed.

special tactics

- if you are ahead you can build an flak AA gun with the falpioneers to hold a point.

- If you are behind and cant get a jeager out on time and dont have anti tank. Then you will need to select the drop in anti tank gun from your battlegroup. It is a good anti tank gun and it can retreat. It will take away your mid game spike tho so dont rush to do that.


- you have no mortars or arty on the field. This can be hard sometimes. But your loiter will make up for that later. Also use your airborne troops and armor to keep pushing the enemy and dont get to stationary.

So thats my guide. I hope you guys like it and have some succes with it.

Good luck!


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Company of Heroes 3 Wehrmacht luftwaffe/jeager guide and build order (2024)


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