USF build order after 1.1.0 - Company of Heroes 3 (2024)

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a year ago

Apr 1, 2023, 10:55:04 PM

Who plays for the USF, please tell me some working build orders against the Wehrmacht and DAK for 1v1

And then after patch 1.1.0 where the USF was nerfed, now playing 3 pathfindes no longer works at all, I tried a lot of different combinations of units, and still something is missing

If before the nerf I could win more than 50% of the games, now after the nerf I just rapidly fall down defeat after defeat

Updated a year ago.

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a year ago

Apr 1, 2023, 11:23:43 PM

I went on a 6 win streak in 2v2 randoms the other day which only halted because I got a couple of braindead teammates eventually.

What I've been doing is going hog-wild into infantry since pretty much every Axis player seems hyper fixated on blobbing up shreks.

Go Airborne > Pathfinder, get the initial model, go cap. Build 2x riflemen, cap the map. Build 1x mortar on a map with a lot of garrisonable buildings OR build WSC and 1x sniper on a more open map where clumps of infantry won't be in one spot for long. Build 1 more rifle. Get grenade upgrade... you mostly want it for stickies in case DAK start going ham with light vehicles or if Wehr tries a P4 rush back to your base. THEN go Infantry specialization. Get the 15 fuel muni upgrade. This will make your BARS 30muni instead of 60. Get the global BAR upgrade. Then upgrade all your rifle squads with the extra BAR for 30 muni each. By now you should have 1x path, 3-4x riflemen (all with double BAR), 1x Captain, and 1x mortar. On the Airborne tree, progress the right side til you get to AT guns. Now you have a sh*t ton of infantry with double BAR buffed by the Captain and LMG campers can be dealt with by path flare + mortar. Vehicles rush = sticky them. If he gets a medium tank out, airdrop an AT gun in the back field and plink away. If he rushes, sticky him. Make sure you have the med tent up at base.

Now go T4 into shermans or hellcats. If he has a super big shrek blob just go hellcats and keep them AWAY from his blob. Kill the blob with your INF and focus fire weak squads to wipe them. Chuck nades like a madman too.

Use the hellcats way in the back to hit his medium armor.

If he does NOT shrek blob, feel free to start massing Shermans. Make 1x engie for repair and to start spamming mines. Then you can get the infantry logistics upgrade to keep reinforce and

upkeep costs down which will let you build more Shermans. On the left side of Airborne, use the recon run + P47 to scout and hit any backfield AT guns prior to a Sherman push.

If at the beginning of the match you see an enemy plane coming in to drop Fallschirmpios, you know to expect some kind of loiter cheese later, so you can pretty safely tech or back-tech to a quad later and just keep it in the back to shoot down the planes.

FYI I also went on a pretty big loss streak right after the patch as Allies and I think it's because almost every Axis player goes into the match anticipating countering the Chafee / Stewart, so they start investing heavy into AT and then just vetting the living hell out of their infantry. So until that changes, it's dangerous to rush light vehicles or even rush a Sherman or Crusader because you're gonna get met by a Shrek blob and loiters. So just make better infantry than them and wipe their squads. By the time their tanks come out you will hopefully have a big advantage in terms of your own infantry which you can use to support your AT guns and tanks, and the shrek blob will just run into like 3-4 vetted double bar rifles with a captain.

Good luck.

Updated a year ago.

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 4:28:53 PM

ZombieRommel wrote:
Go Airborne > Pathfinder, get the initial model, go cap. Build 2x riflemen, cap the map. Build 1x mortar on a map with a lot of garrisonable buildings OR build WSC and 1x sniper on a more open map where clumps of infantry won't be in one spot for long. Build 1 more rifle. Get grenade upgrade... you mostly want it for stickies in case DAK start going ham with light vehicles or if Wehr tries a P4 rush back to your base. THEN go Infantry specialization. Get the 15 fuel muni upgrade. This will make your BARS 30muni instead of 60. Get the global BAR upgrade. Then upgrade all your rifle squads with the extra BAR for 30 muni each. By now you should have 1x path, 3-4x riflemen (all with double BAR), 1x Captain, and 1x mortar. On the Airborne tree, progress the right side til you get to AT guns. Now you have a sh*t ton of infantry with double BAR buffed by the Captain and LMG campers can be dealt with by path flare + mortar. Vehicles rush = sticky them. If he gets a medium tank out, airdrop an AT gun in the back field and plink away. If he rushes, sticky him. Make sure you have the med tent up at base.

I already tried how to do as you say, but 1v1 it works against players below the average level, more skillful players can handle it, yes, I can shoot jagers with my fully armed infantry, but they come with the support vehicles and trying to use a cannon they just they flank it and focus it, and then they drive in like this

For example 1-2 werbelwind and 3 jagers squad, and machine gun

The anti-tank gun is not very mobile, I can hold one position with it, but to keep up with the equipment that rolls from flank to flank is a very difficult task, given the presence of enemy infantry, and every minute of delay plays very much in favor of the Wehrmacht

Before the nerf, this was achieved due to a successful build order that allowed you to skip rifflemans and quickly go into anti-aircraft guns and snipers before the appearance of panzershreks, coping with 3 units of pathnfinders at the beginning, and then going into an effective 76 mm sherman (which is no longer as effective against infantry as it was before nerf)

Updated a year ago.

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 6:17:47 PM

I'm not sure what else to say. I mainly play 2v2 but this has been a very successful strat for me. With an AT gun in the back the early-midgame Axis vehicles can't do much. If they rush forward to try to kill the AT gun, you just sticky the vehicle and then blow it up with the AT gun. Otherwise you just screen with BAR riflemen and keep moving the at guns forward little by little. Yes vehicles can flank AT guns but that's partly why you have like 3-5 riflemen squads spread out ready to sticky anything that gets too close. Pathfinder flares + Airborne recon run or Special Forces flare for vision.

Basically with this strat, the Axis player can get light/medium vehicles but he really can't do much with them because charging you or attempting to plink away at infantry is dangerous. You can just make your riflemen fall back to your AT gun and then use a vision ability + the mortar to start piling on attrition. Once you have 2 AT guns out (one behind the other ideally to stop flanks even further) most players will feel compelled to try to disrupt you with infantry, but if your infantry is better you win.

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 6:54:36 PM

ZombieRommel wrote:

I'm not sure what else to say. I mainly play 2v2 but this has been a very successful strat for me. With an AT gun in the back the early-midgame Axis vehicles can't do much. If they rush forward to try to kill the AT gun, you just sticky the vehicle and then blow it up with the AT gun. Otherwise you just screen with BAR riflemen and keep moving the at guns forward little by little. Yes vehicles can flank AT guns but that's partly why you have like 3-5 riflemen squads spread out ready to sticky anything that gets too close. Pathfinder flares + Airborne recon run or Special Forces flare for vision.

Basically with this strat, the Axis player can get light/medium vehicles but he really can't do much with them because charging you or attempting to plink away at infantry is dangerous. You can just make your riflemen fall back to your AT gun and then use a vision ability + the mortar to start piling on attrition. Once you have 2 AT guns out (one behind the other ideally to stop flanks even further) most players will feel compelled to try to disrupt you with infantry, but if your infantry is better you win.

Ok, maybe I should play around with this build order, but so far in theory it works but in practice 1v1 is difficult

But what to do with the early assault grenadiers they just destroy the rifflemans? they appear before I distribute machine guns to my infantry

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 7:46:56 PM

Yeah the assault grens are a problem and a pretty good early counter to this strat. Once you get BARs and especially double BARs you can deal with them better. Early game I just make sure to keep distance from them, stay inside buildings if possible (and get out if the grens come close to try nading you), and generally play really conservative. I think the biggest danger the assault grens pose is catching a squad that's too late retreating and then wiping them. So if I see a rifle squad is down to 3 models and is low health and there are assault grens in my retreat path, I'm going to retreat sooner than later so they can't melt me on the way back. Grenades also help to some extent. So like if your rifles are in cover and an assault gren squad is closing distance, try to guess which spot he's going toward and pre-nade it. Once your rifles get vet you can also pop the sprint ability and just run away from assault grens to get to somewhere better.

I haven't generally been making any machine guns. I just keep all my rifles alive so by the time mid-game rolls around they are all at least Vet 1 and then I have them with double BARS and a captain.

But if I'm an Axis player, assault grens or grens with the MP40 upgrade are a good strong early counter, probably the best one and you just have to play around it with positioning.

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 8:17:21 PM

Yes, and they really slow down the pace of the game of the USF, and a good pace is very important for the USF, because if you go into the mid game without an advantage in battle, then it’s too hard

Thanks for your answer!

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 8:19:10 PM

Can anyone else recommend a 1v1 game?

I would just like to see some opinions on this, how do you cope

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 10:41:01 PM

Alexem wrote:

Yes, and they really slow down the pace of the game of the USF, and a good pace is very important for the USF, because if you go into the mid game without an advantage in battle, then it’s too hard

Thanks for your answer!

Just learn to play without abusing the imbalance. The allies still have a huge advantage gifted by the developers.

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a year ago

Apr 2, 2023, 11:01:37 PM

Ingo wrote:
Just learn to play without abusing the imbalance. The allies still have a huge advantage gifted by the developers.

It's not like that at all

All factions except the USF have much more variability in how to play, they have several quite working battlegroups, and the USF only has an airborn and only one working build order, which was nerfed, the rest of the battlegroups except airborn in 1v1 battles are too weak

I played for the Wehrmacht, I thought to see how the USF plays against me, maybe I will see someone have a working strategy, but no, these were easy fights for me

You don’t even tense up, you play assault grenadiers then jagers with a panzerschreck and that’s it, you defeat the USF in a relaxed way. Only the Brits can create big problems, it’s difficult with them, but not the USF

That's why I came here for advice, because I don't know what a working build order for USF after a nerf in 1v1 games, tried a lot and nothing works

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a year ago

Apr 3, 2023, 12:31:35 AM

What? USF has SFS Commandos which are very playable. Armor is decent for motor pool strategies. I usually build an engie squad early as US and then 2 rifles, followed by mech or captain teir depending on whether I'm focusing infantry or vehicles. Airborne is a bit of a meme tier but it's decent in the big team games with Axis AA being terrible.

Against Grens rifles just close in and win. Pgrens are tougher as you want to stay at range against them, but also you'll outvalue them MP wise if they go heavy into them. The Grayhound with proper micro can be used to contain Wehr and if they go heavy into Jaegers, just build an extra rifle and get Bars to completely dominate every infantry engagement. The wirbelwind can be dealt with by multiple Grayhounds with armor upgrade, a Chaffee, an AT gun, or you can side tech into a Zooka squad from WSC.

Mines or double sticky nades can delay it while you hold out for a sherman. As US against Wehr, if you start getting Shermans online, the Wehr player is lost as they have no late game scaling beyond vehicle Vet and Sideskirts. Upgunned shermans are still insanely good at anti infantry and vehicles so...yeah. Having played a lot of CoH 3 US is still one of the stronger factions right now.

Wehr is probably the weakest faction right now imo.

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a year ago

Apr 4, 2023, 12:10:03 AM

I do not understand where all of these players that complain about rifles being weak or USF having the fewest options are coming from. They're probably the faction with the most viable builds in the entire game. If you want to see what being pigeon-holed looks like try playing Wehr. Every game against them plays the exact same, and after giving them a couple of tries I really don't blame the players for that.

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a year ago

Apr 4, 2023, 12:56:05 AM

i bounce between 50-200 depending on if im grinding or playing drunk-tilted but what ive found is that weasel and 4 rifles is the key to success. The trick with dak is to give the rifles nades and mines wher its all about punishing retreat paths when they do their breakthroughs. but anyways key to success is the weasel in both match ups you want that thing fighting early game nonstop it needs to hunt fight id say after its second cap it needs to be a fighting unit not a capping unit. mid to late game its your med station

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a year ago

Apr 4, 2023, 4:24:19 AM

my USF build wihout Doctrine:

  1. RE- Rifle - Rifle - Nade/Rifle - Support center ( healing after your Tier 2/3 bult)
  2. Tier 2 = Sniper/ MG - Zoo squad or 2nd MG - 4th Rifle > tier 4.
  3. Tier 3 = 4th rifleman - LV/57mm - 2nd 57mm or Mortar.
  4. With Inf center = AT mine upgrade - MP buff - HP buff. Ammo cost buff is for Nade spam and ability spam. With Fast BAR or mines spam you dont need it unless you cant hold Ammo point.
  5. Armor center = Armor upgrade (if fixed bug) is enough for USF LV, Med in whole game, special armor to counter Blobing and fast M18 to counter Fast Med, Tomato spam. 76mm is for Mass Pz4 + panther, tiger.

- 1st inf is RE, send him to cut off point and VP, important point to sandbag it.

- Build 2 Rifle and intercept Enemies ( use Path to spot on).

- Upgrade nade or build 3rd rifle depend on match up (DAK go 250 then nade is the way to go).

- Recommend Inf Support over Armor support in 1v1 because of free Captain. AT mine and demo is git gud,

- Tier 2 or 3 depend on Doctrine. Always have as least 1 AT unit on field unless axis go full Inf and rush Med/ Winberwind.

- Sniper always a solid choice if you dont need to rush M4.

- Greyhound, M24 or even Quad .50cal in meh against Jeager Shrek, Combo Rak 8 + fast call in Pzjeager and Tomato spam in 9 minute marks.

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USF build order after 1.1.0 - Company of Heroes 3 (91)



USF build order after 1.1.0 - Company of Heroes 3 (92)USF build order after 1.1.0 - Company of Heroes 3 (93)

a year ago

Apr 4, 2023, 1:42:10 PM

Spec Ops -> Weasel, Rifle, Rifle, Rifle, Armor Support, WSC, 75mm HT, 75mm HT, drop mortar, drop mortar. Kill base buildings starting with the motorpool equiv so no 8rad.

For Wehr -> Weasel, 4x Rifle blob with double BAR, 3x zooks for maximum abuse with ISC and maybe get a reinforcement HT to just seal the deal.

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USF build order after 1.1.0 - Company of Heroes 3 (2024)


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